17. Septembris, 2023
What great day for 9Hill Open. And here is your 9Hill open division leaders for final day.
MPO- Rainers Balodis
FPO - Helena Dreimane
MP40- Joni Lummi
MP55- Aigars Sirmovičs
FP40- Oksana Žukauskiene
MJ18- Augusts Zosārs
MA2- Ralfs Galanins
MA3- Valters Cuhnovs
MA4- Edgars Skore
FA2 - Svetlana Kobec
FA4- Ineta Kronberga
FA40 - Nele Merrandi and Tiiu Kull
Follow the score here
MPO and FPO - udsic live and pdga live score https://www.pdga.com/apps/tournament/live/event?eventId=64032&view=Scor…
Masters - https://www.pdga.com/apps/tournament/live/event?eventId=64082&view=Scor…
MA2 - https://discgolfmetrix.com/2761400
MA3- https://discgolfmetrix.com/2761343
FA2, FA4,MA4,FA40, MJ18- https://discgolfmetrix.com/2761417